Time:2017-04-28 14:15:08Views:633
My name is AMADIN JOHN, a safety officer with the I.d no NG-2299 in the safety department. It has always been my dreams to work in Yongxing Steel Company, so that i can make the Chinese workers and the Nigerian workers to work together smoothlyas harmonious team through safety training, patrol and supervision of workers, identifying potential a dangersand providing safetypreventive measures at the various department.
However, for your communication to be much more effective, you must share the right information with other team mates by speaking, writing or using other signals (gestures).This will bridge the gap between the Chinese workers and the Nigerian workersto promote efficiently good team work. An author called C.S.Lewis one said “Integrity is doing the right thing, even no one is watching”. It is very important to note that good team work makes any given task to be completed on time easily, it brings out good work output and it is far much safer, because safety begins with team work. Yongxing Steel has taught me that diligence in the job puts perfection in the work, because my job is my pride. My sincere advice to my dear colleagues are; Safety is first, prevention is mail, don’t forget safety, when you work; safety everywhere, safety every time, worksafely, home happily. Therefore, we can achieve great targets when we work together as a good team by sharing the useful information pertaining to the improvement of our job.